Report on Educational Services for Children of Japanese Parents
Main Information
Date: 1942 How to Interpret DateHow to Interpret Date
Date Note- July 1, 1942: We use this format when the record provides the exact date.
- July, 1942: We use this format when the record provides the month and year but not the day.
- 1942: We use this format when the record provides the year but not the month or day.
- [1942]: We use this format when the record does not provide the date but the year is certain.
- [1942?]: We use this format when the year is probable.
- [between 1940 and 1945]: We use this format when the date range is certain.
- [ca. 1942]: We use this format when the year is approximate (+/- 5 years).
- [194-]: We use this format when the decade is certain.
- [194-?]: We use this format when the decade is probable.
- [before 1942]: We use this format when the latest possible date is known.
- [after 1942]: We use this format when the earliest possible date is known.
Place: Vancouver, BC
Description: Document includes a plan for a school and realted activites at Hastings Park.
Extra Information
Collection/Fonds Title: Associate Secretary of Evangelism and Social Service fondsFile Title: Japanese II - articles & correspondence Source
Record Title: Report on Educational Services for Children of Japanese Parents Source
Physical Description: 5 pages of textual records
Location of Original: Box 525, file 15
- Written by: W.S. McRae. Recreation & Education Supervisor, Hastings Park Clearing Station
- Copyright holder: Public domain
- This image is intended for research and personal reference use only. For permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use this image, you must seek copyright clearance directly from the copyright holder.
- McRae, W.S.
- Suttie, Gwen
- Hyodo, Hide
- Norman, Howard
- Takimoto, Albert
- Oyama, Kasey
- Shibuya, H.
- Okuda, H.
- Ozaki, T.
- Tsuchiya, Harry
- Baldwin, Miss
- Kabayama, Jun
- Kaufman, Miss E.R.
- Parks, Miss
- Tsuyuki, Mr. K.
- Ellis, Mrs.
- Saare, Arla
- Kurth, Mr. Burton
- McDuffee, Margaret
- Higashiyama, Kou
- Somerset, Miss Dorthy
- Yoshida, Yuki
- Bruce, Graham
- Crossland, Mrs.
- Robertson, Margaret
- Teager, William
- Burkholder, H.
- Internment
- Schools
- Parks
- Students
- Teachers
- School children
Language: English