Transcript of interview with Rev. Tadashi Mitsui

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Main Information

Date: January 11, 2020  How to Interpret Date
How to Interpret Date

  • July 1, 1942: We use this format when the record provides the exact date.
  • July, 1942: We use this format when the record provides the month and year but not the day.
  • 1942: We use this format when the record provides the year but not the month or day.
  • [1942]: We use this format when the record does not provide the date but the year is certain.
  • [1942?]: We use this format when the year is probable.
  • [between 1940 and 1945]: We use this format when the date range is certain.
  • [ca. 1942]: We use this format when the year is approximate (+/- 5 years).
  • [194-]: We use this format when the decade is certain.
  • [194-?]: We use this format when the decade is probable.
  • [before 1942]: We use this format when the latest possible date is known.
  • [after 1942]: We use this format when the earliest possible date is known.

  Date Note

Note on Date

Date taken from the transcript

Place: Vancouver, BC

Description: Transcription includes excerpts from Kimiko Karpoff's telephone interview of Rev. Tadashi Mitsui of Lethbridge, Alberta. Content relates to the beginnings of the post-war Vancouver Japanese United Church; experience as a newly ordained minister and new Canadian; congregational activities (bazaar, Christmas dinners); prominent church families; Sunday school and Grace Namba; and reflections on marginalization and victimization.

Curatorial Note:

Rev. Tadashi ("Tad") Mitsui was born in Japan and came to Canada in 1957. He was ordained as a United Church minister by BC Conference in 1958, and served as minister for the Vancouver Japanese United Church from 1957 to 1968. Following that pastorate, he served as overseas personnel for the church, teaching in Lesotho, in Africa, until 1974. Rev. Mitsui returned to Canada in the early 1980s, working with the Canadian Council of Churches in Toronto, and serving in pastoral and administrative work in Montreal. After retiring, he moved to Lethbridge, Alberta.

Extra Information

Collection/Fonds Title: Vancouver Japanese United Church fonds

File Title: Oral history interviews and transcripts  Source

Source of File Title

Title taken from the folder

Record Title: Transcript of interview with Rev. Tadashi Mitsui  Source

Source of Record Title

Title taken from transcript

Physical Description: 13 pages of textual records

Location of Original: Digital Archives

  • Interviewer: Kimiko Karpoff
  • Interviewee: Rev. Tadashi Mitsui


  • Mitsui, Tadashi
  • Karpoff, Kimiko
  • Namba, Grace
  • Imai, Gordon
  • Woman's Missionary Society
  • Shimizu, Kosaburo
  • McWilliams, Roy
  • Uchida, Chizu

  • Members of the congregation
  • Clergy--Ordained ministers
  • Church buildings
  • Special events
  • School children
  • Immigration
  • Internment

Language: English

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